Rose is a Fertility Awareness Educator and a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner (HRHP) who has trained and specialized in the Justisse Method of cycle charting, and who has been charting her own cycles and teaching women how to chart their cycles for 16 years now. Justisse HRHPs are trained to identify and manage a broad spectrum of… Read More »
Fix your period
I remember when I used to try a different supplement each month hoping to find the magic bullet that would get rid of my period pain for good. I tried what seemed like every possible option from cramp bark and evening primrose oil to eliminating dairy and drinking ginger tea and everything in between. However,… Read More »
FFP 002 | Fertility Awareness Method Cycle Charting | Rose Yewchuk
Rose is a Fertility Awareness Educator and a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner (HRHP) who has trained and specialized in the Justisse Method of cycle charting, and who has been charting her own cycles and teaching women how to chart their cycles for 16 years now. Justisse HRHPs are trained to identify and manage a broad spectrum of… Read More »
3 reasons I’m thankful for my period
Menstruation is always a hot topic, but not usually in a good way. Menstruation presents an opportunity for advertisers and drug companies to sell us many many products. And to make sure that all of us ladies consume their products they have been telling us stories about menstruation for decades now. We have been told… Read More »
6 Reasons why Fertility Awareness is perfect for control freaks!
1. You’ll know the exact date that you ovulated every cycle By taking your basal body temperature each morning you’ll be able to pinpoint your ovulation date after you’ve ovulated. Your temperature won’t predict your ovulation date, but after your basal body temperature rises and stays up, you’ll know that you ovulated the day before… Read More »